How to Conduct Effective Board Meetings

Board meetings are the occasions when board members offer important feedback on a company’s progress. They can also be an occasion for board members to build trust and camaraderie.

A successful board meeting starts with a clear communication of what the purpose of the meeting is before the board meets. This means sending a board package with all the information required to conduct the discussion (no need to send more than what’s essential) and creating an agenda that highlights the items most important to discuss.

Some boards employ Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide to how they conduct their meetings, however using this book isn’t required for every board. Generally, only the chair is responsible for ensuring that invitations are sent out on time, notes are taken, and all the necessary materials are sent to board members prior to the meeting.

One of the most common errors that companies make is not preparing and disseminating their board documents in advance. It is important to communicate the purpose of the board meetings to all participants prior to the meeting. This will allow directors to prepare for the meeting and to ask questions. This lets you keep your meeting as brief as possible and leave time for discussion. In fact the event that you have a persnickety board member who insists on the inclusion of a long report on their agenda, you should schedule it for last and at least an hour before any breaks.

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